Biathlon KS roller chains for highest wear and corrosion protection
The KS type Biathlon high-performance chain has the best corrosion protection in its class. Based on the standard Biathlon chain with its excellent wear protection, the Biathlon KS chain is also treated with environmentally-friendly and high-quality corrosion protection material. In salt spray tests the Biathlon KS proved to be corrosion resistant for a period of more than 1,000 hours.
Under the same test conditions comparisons showed significant corrosion on competing chains after 200 hours. The long life cycle has been achieved by combining different surface technologies that do not interact negatively with each other.
Technical characteristics of the Biathlon KS chain
- coated chain pins and bushings
- coated rollers
- coated plates
- special long-term lubricants
Advantages in application
- particularly economical
- good dry-running operation characteristics in case of insufficient lubrication
- high-tech corrosion protection
- RoHS compliance due to non-use of hexavalent chromium
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