ONOMOTION relies on the particularly resistant e-bike chains from Connex by Wippermann
With the ONO, the Berlin tech company ONOMOTION is focussing on a new segment of electrified transport bikes with large-volume storage space and high payload for city logistics. On board: E-bike chains from Connex by Wippermann, which reliably withstand the high torque of the two electric motors even at maximum load. With this innovation, the chain specialist Wippermann exploits the market segment of high-performance e-bikes for urban logistics concepts, which is continually growing with the electric cargo bikes from ONOMOTION.
According to Zweirad-Industrie-Verband e.V. (German bicycle industry association) about 78,000 electric cargo bikes were sold in Germany in 2020. Especially in densely populated urban areas, cargo pedelecs offer a high degree of flexibility for professional use due to the possibility of using cycle paths and parking the bike on pavements with sufficient space. This is particularly interesting for companies in the courier, express, and parcel (CEP) business, which are looking for a flexible and reliable mobility solution for the last mile in densely populated urban areas. Exactly this is the new market segment with great opportunities for growth that ONOMOTION is focussing on with its innovative e-cargo bikes, which represent a completely new type of city vehicle: The cargo bike ONO provides a weather-protected cabin and an interchangeable container with a load volume of more than two cubic metres. Furthermore, the cargo bike allows a payload of 200 kg.
The powerful electric drive of cargo bikes makes high demands on the load capacity and wear behaviour of the chains used. Especially when – as it is the case with the innovative e-cargo bike ONO – a high transport weight meets two powerful electric motors and thus enormous forces acting on the chain compared to normal e-bikes. ONOMOTION found a solution with the heavy-duty bicycle chains of the Wippermann Connex brand. The high-performance chains offer maximum performance for the given requirements: Thanks to an intelligent use of materials for the crucial chain elements and Wippermann's optimised heat treatment processes, the chains are particularly resilient and extremely wear-resistant. Thus, they withstand the high forces with minor elongation in continuous operation, without breaking. Furthermore, a high-quality nickel coating provides reliable protection against corrosion.
E-cargo bike ONO in professional delivery service: Long maintenance intervals ensure short downtimes
For companies in the CEP sector, availability of their vehicles is one of the key factors for profitability. And ONOMOTION has also developed an innovative solution for this: Thanks to an integrated ramp, the container module of the e-cargo bike, which is on rollers, can be swapped quickly. This means that the containers can be loaded independently from usage of the electric cargo bike, which ensures short downtimes for delivery vehicles and riders in day-to-day business. Also relevant for short downtimes are the maintenance intervals of the drive. This is where Wippermann's experience and engineering competence as an industrial chain specialist pay off. Based on industry-proven technologies the Connex high-performance chains for electric transport bikes ensure a reliable drive with significantly longer maintenance intervals compared to conventional e-bike chains. For ONOMOTION customers, this is a value-creating factor and thus a real added value.
Powerful e-bike chains "Made in Germany" for an innovative and sustainable delivery vehicle
The aspect of sustainability lies in ONOMOTION´s genes. With its ONO e-transport bike, the company aims at providing an emission-free transport solution for the last mile. This is why the Berlin-based tech company likewise emphasises sustainability in many other areas of production and sourcing. For example, the entire ONO is manufactured locally in Germany to avoid long transport routes. With the Connex e-bike chains, ONOMOTION has also found the right solution for this requirement, because Wippermann's bicycle division also produces the chains in Germany and sources its primary products from local producers. Thus global transport routes and long delivery times can be avoided, which makes a perfect fit with ONOMOTION's sustainable mobility solution.