SIHK award for Wippermann as global market leader for industrial chains and sprockets
Wippermann jr. GmbH was accoladed with the “Global Market Leader for Industrial Chains and Sprockets” award from the Southwestfalia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Südwestfälischen Industrie- und Handelskammer, SIHK). As an innovative company with a long tradition, we are one of the 165 “Hidden Champions” from the South Westphalia region recognized by the SIHK.
Global market leader – this award from the SIHK documents the top performance of globally active and successful companies. The prestigious Global Market Leader Certificate from the Southwestfalia Chamber of Commerce and Industry was presented by SIHK Managing Director Dr. Ralf Geruschkat and SIHK-Team Leader Innovation Julian Pflichtenhöfer to Wippermann Managing Directors Dr. Stephan Gerber and Christian Hamann.
The SIHK awards the title of “Global Market Leader” to companies in the region of South Westphalia that meet certain characteristics and criteria. These include:
- Global commitment
- Excellence in products and services
- Breakthrough innovations and services
- High depth of value creation
- Identity-creating entrepreneurial personalities
- Long-term, intergenerational thinking and action
Wippermann's qualitative market leadership in the field of maintenance- and lubricant-free high-performance roller chains as well as push chains and lifting systems was taken into consideration as a key aspect for the award. In addition, Wippermann is characterized by a combination of innovative manufacturing technologies, long-term orientation – the company is managed by the fifth generation of the family – and a clear focus on chain-based drive solutions. With an export share of almost 40 percent and an extensive international sales network, Wippermann guarantees the worldwide availability of its premium products. In addition, the company offers qualified consulting in the field of drive and conveyor technology and develops customized solutions for discerning customers from a wide range of industries.
Dr. Gerber: “For us, the SIHK Global Market Leader certificate is also a special recognition for all our company's employees. Innovation and performance are based on people. Every employee in our company contributes with their respective expertise to ensuring that we are constantly developing innovations, producing them in high quality in series, and thus offering our customers real added value, on which our long-term and cooperative business relationships are based.”
The presentation of the SIHK award for ‘World Market Leader for Industrial Chains and Sprockets’ to Wippermann jr. GmbH was attended by SIHK Innovation Team Leader Julian Pflichtenhöfer, SIHK Managing Director Dr Ralf Geruschkat, Wippermann Marketing Manager Dorette Schierling, Wippermann Managing Directors Christian Hamann and Dr Stephan Gerber and Head of Engineering Dr Jakob Küpferle.